Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rights and Responsibilites

I often think that the founders of this country should have balanced the bill of rights with a similar bill of responsibilities. For example, while we have the right the free speech, this comes the responsibility that we understand the power of speak, we use it with thought and care, and realize the power of words to hurt, subjugate, and to disempower. We have the right to property free from search and seizure, but we also understand that we are connected to other’s properties and that we have a collective responsibility for the good as well as freedoms from undue influence.

I bring this up in the context of our discussion because I think we, as white males of great privilege; we have a heightened responsibility that comes specifically from these privileges. With “enhanced” rights, a greater voice, a greater chance at freedom, an education and economic livelihood, we also have the increased responsibility to do something more. Not just to give voice to the voiceless but also to add many voices, not just our own. To empower, to do more than just equalize rights. To not only rail against barriers and oppression but also to understand the need to give a boost over barriers.

Each perceived barrier, both internal and external, that we have promulgated (this bears on the GPA discussion), where some students not only see the barrier but see it as higher than we would.

So what of this is our responsibility?

It is more than a “tide that raises” all boats. It more than making things “equal”.

It is the enhanced capacity to re-equalize. Affirmative action is a concrete example but I think there are many more similar actions.

Thanks! Thoughts?

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